Tag: cancer gifts

  • home

    I got home from my mini break and felt wonderful! Since I live with someone who is diet restricted it is such freedom to eat whatever I wanted! So many vegetables and some spicy new things. An hour after being at home I got hit with the most incredible exhaustion. I was almost sick I…

  • im sorry

    im sorry I can’t be more positive. im sorry I can’t be more resilient. im sorry I’m so scared of the future. im sorry I set boundaries that you find hard to respect. im sorry I’m a challenge for you to understand. im sorry my life has had such a terrible impact on your life.…

  • crisis pt 2

    After a weekend of uncertainty her bag started to drain. Yay! She wasn’t feeling the greatest but not sick enough to go to emerg. Hospital did arrange for her tubes to be changed today but rather than a leg bag they capped the tubes so it’s now totally flowing into her urostomy. Fingers crossed that…

  • too much anger

    Today, I’m feeling very sad. I get no support anymore. No one has any idea what life is like for us. It’s been months since anyone asked me about me. I mean really asked me. Not, “how are ya”, crap where they expect me me to say “fine”. I’m not fine. I’m not even ok.…

  • more again

    Amy was hospitalized for 8 days. Had surgery on right kidney tube and she’s still recovering. A fistula was discovered and we are waiting for a surgeon to return from holiday. He does robotic surgery and might be able to fix the leak. Her back pain has been very uncomfortable and worrisome. The nurse has…

  • Gifts

    Can I make a few suggestions around gifts for the patient or caregiver? I am so grateful for everything people have done for us and I know it’s with the best intentions. But sometimes traditional gifts are not the most appropriate such as flowers or plants. As a caregiver the burden falls on me to…